Halcyon was one of the last Kingfisher 26 (K26) hulls to be built at the yard in Falmouth, Cornwall.
She was fitted out from a complete hull, whaleback and wheelhouse mould kit to a very high standard by local shipwright Robert Chudleigh. Halcyon was complete and launched in October 2007 and has been fishing on a full-time basis ever since.
Halcyon has a Perkins Sabre M130c and PRM 750d gearbox turning a 27’ 5-bladed propeller. Its maximum speed is just over 8 knots. Cruising speed between 6.5 and 7 knots. It is also fitted with a top end electronics package including MaxSea 2d/3d plotter. Halcyon is now well known locally for landing some very good catches of high-quality line caught fish.
Throughout the summer months Halcyon is either jigging or trolling for Pollack and Bass during fine weather and fishing for Mackerel inshore when weather is not suitable further off. Towards the end of the summer and into autumn, Halcyon tends to target Mackerel more often.